The enclosed folder contains 45 icons that are intended as an attempt to create a simpler, more minimalist look for the Mac OS. They came about after a discussion with Sara of Sara's Icon Parade, the massive Swedish icon index. We had mentioned the fact that as icon designers, we were all going "Copland-crazy", everything 3D and isometric. With this set, I tried to go for a very basic type of stylization, yet wanted to keep some of the more familiar elements and visual cues of the Mac OS. Also, they were designed to look almost exactly the same in thousands of colors as in black and white, so folks with monochromatic compact Macs are not being left out with this set - in fact, it is a good way to give your older Macs a sleeker, more modern icon update!
In actuality, I started this set as an exercise and stopped work after about 16 or so icons, having sort of explored the idea enough to satisfy my curiosity. I was going to shelve it until people started to write and ask what had happened to it! So, here they are - due to popular demand! I realise that these icons will not be everyone's cup of tea, but in a 32-bit "World of Copland", they hopefully provide a intrigueing alternative...
You may not use these files for purposes other than icons (such as in a Kaleidoscope scheme for example) without expressed permission from the author.
Although a shareware fee is not required to make use of these files, contributions are encouraged and can be sent to:
The Iconfactory
Box 7504
Greensboro, NC 27407
How To make Use of Red Tab System as Mac Icons:
1. You need system 7 or higher.
2. Do a "Get Info" (File menu) on the original iMac OS icon file that you want to use.
3. Click on the icon in the window; choose "Copy" (Edit menu).
4. Close the window, then "Get Info" on destination file/disk.
5. Click on the icon, choose "Paste" (Edit menu). (this method won't work on the trash can)
6. Don't forget to e-mail us and let me know what you think!
On replacing the trash icon:
Many people ask us how to go about replacing their Mac's trash icon with a custom one. There are several ways to go about replacing the trash icon, but we don't recommend messing around with system resources unless you are fairly versed with ResEdit. If you're not sure you want to mess with the guts of your Mac's system files (and are using pre-Mac OS 8 system software) then may we recommend a program called Zonkers! from Nova Development. Zonkers provides users with a safe, fast and easy way to customize ALL system level icons with the click of a mouse (unless you're running Mac OS 8). If you'd like to learn more about Zonkers! for the Mac and all the neat things it can do then head for: <>
There is also a program called Dumpster that will do similar things that zonkers will. In addition, Dumpster should work on Mac's running System 8.x You can find out more about Dumpster from the links page of the Iconfactory.
Dave Brasgalla -
The Iconfactory -
More Stuff for your Mac:
For the ultimate collection of kick butt icons for the Macintosh, we've created a place called The Iconfactory. The Iconfactory has quickly established itself as the premiere web page for Macintosh icons. If your tired of looking for quality icons for your Mac, but only finding junk, then The Iconfactory is for you! We would love to have you add The Iconfactory to your list of bookmarks. The URL is:
If desktop patterns are more your cup of tea, then you'll want to visit The DeskStop: 3D Desktop Patterns for your Mac. Mindy Weaver & Gedeon Maheux have started the site as a one- stop source for cool, dimensional textures for use on the web, with 3D modeling software or just on your Mac's desktop. Drop by The DeskStop today at: